Have a nice day ! :)ĭefault_privs = interact, shout, areas, home, back, zoom Belle journée ! :) // Welcome on the Peaceful & Kindness server, for everyone here. Motd = Bienvenue sur le serveur Peaceful & Kindnesss, paix et bienveillance pour tous ici. A player starting a new game can choose between playing in a single-player mode, or hosting a server to which other Minetest players can connect. Map-dir = /var/games/minetest-server/.minetest/worlds/world Minetest implements a client-server architecture, and can be played solo or multiplayer. Monde paisible, coopération, entraide mutuelle, humanité et pas de spécisme sur ce serveur, pas de pvp, mobs pacifiques.
Play locally with your friends, or play online with dozens of players on a server. Yes, the world height is also near-infinite. With a 62000 3 block playing area, theres no running out of space. Server_description = | Kindness world, coop', mutual aid, humanity and no specism on this server, no pvp, peacfull mobs. Minetest is available natively for Windows, OS X, GNU/Linux, Android, FreeBSD, and is Free/Libre and Open Source. var/games/minetest-server/.minetest/worlds/world/world.mt RequiresMountsFor=/var/games/minetest-serverĮxecStart=/usr/bin/minetest -server -config /etc/minetest/nf -logfile /var/log/minetest/minetest.log Other Minetest Game like games are LEGO Worlds, Terasology, Infiniminer and Voxelands.
Its not free, so if youre looking for a free alternative, you could try Roblox or MineClone 2.
etc/systemd/system/rviceĭescription=Minetest multiplayer server nf server config There are more than 10 games similar to Minetest Game for a variety of platforms, including Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and Xbox. It supports both survival and creative modes along with multiplayer support, dynamic lighting, and an 'infinite' map generator. I've tried emergeblocks command and tried to generate all map world but minetest server crash with this command after a little time (no backtrace/info about it in debug file even with level 4), others people seems be affected by this bug from years : link github and link forum Multiplayer infinite-world block sandbox (server) Minetest is a minecraft-inspired game written from scratch and licensed under the LGPL (version 2.1 or later).
Problem is, there is many lags with map generation (especially underground) thoug we are only 3 players online (private beta test until it's ready) and mapgen V7, so i'm going here to ask help about it and optimize the server configuration. Server have 32Gb of ram, 2x256Go SSD (RAID 1), XEON CPU 6 cores / 12 threads and 300Mb/s bandwith. Hi, i have installed Minetest 5.0.1 on a Linux server with Ubuntu 18.04 (PPA way).